I will never be he who steps over the winning line having
done 10K in under thirty minutes or who scores the winning English try. Yet I
will grow old as these others do, and pass along in their fashion too, filled
to the brim with me, me, me.
I will never, again, be the person forced to be part of me
through blood. To be proud and yet at times doubtful of that father’s sanity,
watching myself in the mirror as one and another in line, step over and into
life. Never will I be he, bound in snow and ice, who stands waiting for the next rain.
Stand on that position now, neither here nor there nor gone.
Turning again in my mind to the day’s mistakes, the lack of judgment, the
pointless anger, the tired impatience, the idiot lack of understanding, the
bullying that size too often brings, the guilt at huge gaunt clumsiness, the
sorrow at stupidity.
Just try to be better, let tomorrow start another attempt, be
Groundhog Day again, get some exercise, eat well, drink plenty of water, work
hard, strive to be happy, bring happiness to others, forgive yourself your
imperfections, accept and understand…
Or do not do so and try to sort it out…
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